Arizona's Little Miss & Mr. Halloween & State Doubleheader will be held Sunday, October 27, 2024.
LOCATION: Phoenix Center for the Arts, 1202 N. 3rd St., Phoenix, AZ
*Doubleheader Rules: Contestant may enter ONLY the Halloween Pageant. To enter State Pageant, contestant must enter Halloween AND State. The Halloween final score is added to the State score, and each pageant is judged by separate panels of judges.
Halloween Pageant: A Halloween costume of your choice (no masks, please)​
State Pageant: A knee length party dress or Sunday dress
*no floor length gowns​
ENTRY FEE: (ONLY CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE PAGEANT or Venmo directly to our non-profit)
$25 DEPOSIT FOR EACH PAGEANT to hold spot (balance due at pageant)
$25 *OPTIONAL* Photogenic Division
$10 *OPTIONAL* Additional Photo Entry into Photogenic
$25 *OPTIONAL* High Point Division
(Any Optionals may be entered at Pageant Check-in, if you so choose)
Phoenix Center for the Arts
1202 N. 3rd St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Check-in: 1-1:30 pm
Halloween Pageant Starts: 1:45 pm-2:45 pm
State Pageant Starts: 3:15 pm-4:15 pm
(there is a dressing room available for changing)
(divisions are subject to change based on entries)
Baby Miss 0-17 months
Tiny Miss 18 months-3 yrs
Little Miss 4-6 years
Petite Miss 7-10 years
Jr. Miss 11 years-up
Boys: (will be broken down into two divisions depending on ages of contestants)
Little Mr. 0-4 years
Mr. 5-up
The scores will be broken down as follows:
45% facial beauty/aesthetic appeal
45% confidence, stage presence, personality
10% attire (clean & pressed, original, proper fit)
RULES: No makeup allowed for contestants under age 10, traditional pageant dresses should not be worn, minimal stones or sequins.
HOW TO ENTER: Fill out Registration Form through this website, then click on Payments to choose your payment option.
QUEENS/KINGS: We will crown a Queen or King in each age division. Winners will receive a beautiful rhinestone crown, sash, goodie bag.
PRINCESSES/PRINCES: Runners-ups will be awarded the title of Princess/Prince. S/he will receive a beautiful rhinestone crown, sash, and goodie bag.
Optional High Point Division: $25 to enter. One child with the highest points out of all the contestants will be awarded Overall Queen and will win an additional rhinestone crown!! ALL proceeds from this Optional division will be donated to the charities we work with throughout the year.
*If a child has the highest overall points, but has not entered the Overall Division, the child with the next highest points who HAS entered Overall Division will win.
Optional Photogenic Division: $25 to enter one photo, $10 for each additional photo. Photo must be brought to the pageant and turned in at Check-In. Photo will be returned before the end of the pageant. Photo should be 5x7 or 8x10 only. Photos are judged on Photogenic quality and overall aesthetics and personality shown.
As always, please text or call (602) 571-1926 if you have ANY questions!